Monday, February 7, 2011

Rails - Task I: Logging In - Noob notes on authlogic

There's a little auto-magic going on that as a rails/ruby noob I didn't expect.

1) The password, password_confirmation fields are not explicitly declared anywhere except for your registration, login views. This mean you have to add the "acts_as_authentic" to your User class BEFORE you can being using these fields in your views and tests.

2) Naming of your DB fields is important, password_confirmation != confirm_password. (Coming from a Java background, this feels weird, not having name control over model fields. Just go with it.)

3) After you do add acts_as_authentic, you have to update user_controller_test. Passing user.parameters doesn't work anymore, since that's the DB model and not what the user will send -- example of the changes that worked for me.

test "should create user" do
assert_difference('User.count') do
post :create, :user => {:email => '', :password => 'godpassword', :password_confirmation => 'godpassword'}

4) Really enjoying the automated testing, they have been catching all kinds of mistakes I make in ignorance, and a great teaching tool. Am beginning to see how much you can skip explicit tutorials and APIs if the testing is robust.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Rails - Task I: Logging In w/ authlogic_example

Picking up on a new branch, and take a few integration shortcuts to get authlogic up and running.

> git pull git://

Then working through the merges necessary to merge in authlogic code, with a few skips
* git checkout --ours db/schema.rb
* git checkout --ours db/seeds.rb
* git checkout --theirs Gemfile
* change config/initializers/rspec_generator.rb Replace AuthlogicRails3Example with Depot (or your app name)

Then after code looked reasonably merged

> bundle install
> rake

Get complaints about unknown email_format validator

Seemed to have missed an important set of entries in config/application.rb

#Custom directories with classes and modules you want to be autoloadable.
# config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/extras)
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib/**/)

This is required to reference the format validator introduced with the AuthLogic Example.

After this fix we get to something interesting... the rspec tests fail!

Rails - Task I: Logging In

For this task I decided to diverge from the book. From what I've heard attending Atlanta's local chapter meetings for OWASP (, own-rolled authentication is at the root of far too many security flaws and breeches in web applications. Granted this book touches on some of the oft overlooked necessities (e.g. salted hash passwords), but for a real live website, I always push to use a robust, tested, peer-reviewed plugin over hand rolled code. At the very least, typical project timelines leave little time for developers and testers to stay current on the ever evolving threat landscape. If your shop is different, please, please help out the rest of us.

I looked around a bit and decided to go with authlogic. Trevmex has provided a fully Rails3 ready example found at . rewrites the tutorial for a few other steps you need to then incorporate the module into the depot code. (I did start first trying more commonly referenced authlogic_example by binarylogic at, but all I succeeded at was proving what I complete noob I am)

What follows is a combination of various sources. Comments indicate what prompted each step to be taken, but not the rationale or theory behind it.

Pre-Iteration Work: Adding authlogic to depot
$ sudo gem install authlogic #binarylogic

To depot Gemfile add:
# Add support for Authlogic authentication
gem 'authlogic', :git => 'git://', :branch => 'rails3' #trevmex
gem "rails3-generators" #dixis
> bundle install #'cause rake prompted me to run this after the changes.

> rails generate authlogic:session UserSession #dixis

>rake test

And viola! everything now fails because of 'ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: no such table: user_sessions: DELETE FROM "user_sessions" WHERE 1=1'
